Click to View the Baja Photo Slide Show

For a long time we've discussed going to see the gray whales in the Pacific bays of Baja California. Every year the gray whales migrate from the Arctic to Baja to mate and give birth. The experience in these bays is unique in that the whales are known to approach the small open boats used to view them and seem to enjoy interacting with people. We finally accomplished this objective in February 2018.

We spent a few days in San Diego before and after the whale adventure so you'll find photos from San Diego bookending the Baja section. We booked the Baja portion of the trip through an outfit called Baja Airventures. We had a great time and if you're planning to see the gray whales in Baja I recommend checking them out as an option.

Audrey's Trip Report is available here as a PDF. Click on the image above to view the photo slide show.

Baja California 2018 Slideshow (325 images)

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